That’s Hilary with one “L”, (insert your own Clinton joke here).

I’m an on-camera host, celebrity interviewer, former Miss Nevada, and snack connoisseur. I create entertaining videos, deliver keynote speeches, and help others handle their haters in the pursuit of their dreams.

I’m lucky enough to have trained lions, lived with the Firewalkers in Fiji, and danced with Mark Cuban (there’s not much I won’t try, especially if it’s a Double Dare). But mostly I specialize in caffeine, puppy videos, and finding ways to laugh at myself.


But that's just the filtered profile.

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- Burn survivor
- Mourner of friends’ suicides
- Graduate school reject (fourteen times to be exact)
- Accidentally-published national journalist, and
- Recovering perfectionist

But these experiences have turned me into the Curator of Confidence and Inadequacy Assassin that I am today.

before all the accolades...

I struggled with how my life measured up to those around me. Everyone else looked successful, especially online. And anytime someone would come after me on the internet for my work, I would feel crushed.

I constantly battled my inner Comparison Monster and struggled to keep out the noise. I only quelled my feelings of inadequacy with fleeting success. But almost immediately, it would creep back in, crippling my progress and joy in life.

Even when I started interviewing celebrities, I wondered if I was good enough. But then, as I started talking to high-achievers, influencers, and celebrities, I realized I wasn’t alone.

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Everyone struggles with debilitating feelings of inadequacy, even top performers. And yet, no-one’s talking about it.

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Together, we can build
Red Carpet Confidence

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Let’s create a movement!

I’m on a mission to help others by facilitating this conversation.

In our hyper-connected age, and even more-so in a time where we’re physically distanced, we need to find ways to connect compassionately. It’s easy to feel like a million bucks under the perfect circumstances, but it’s just as easy to feel hopeless when dealing with online criticism or internal hate. My goal is to help you achieve those “red carpet confident” feelings and moments, regardless of your life circumstances. 

I created Red Carpet Confidence to bridge the gap between the highlight reels and the reality, and facilitate a real conversation about how that discrepancy affects us. Each week, I post new content about handling haters, cultivating confidence, and feeling satisfied with your path, even when the world doesn’t agree. You can subscribe here

As a keynote speaker, I talk to corporations, women’s groups, and youth leadership on how inadequacy is hindering their productivity, success, and fulfillment in life. By the end of these talks, the audience feels more in control of their life and emotions, and knows how to cultivate confidence on demand. You can go here to find more information on my signature keynotes. 

As an entertainer and content creator, I strive to inject humor and lightness into our often overly serious social media scrolls and comments section. You can check out some of my videos on Tik Tok.



How can I help you?

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